Author: Donald M. Berwick
Edition: 1st
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0787972177
Category: Medical
Edition: 1st
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0787972177
Category: Medical
Escape Fire: Designs for the Future of Health Care
Spanning a decade (1992-2002), these speeches echo the theme that our health care system needs fundamental change and a revolutionary new design. Download Escape Fire medical books for free.
Throughout the book, Berwick identifies innovations and ideas from a number of surprising sources-a girls' soccer team, a sinking ship, and the safety standards at NASA. Escape Fire takes its title from the 1949 Mann Gulch tragedy in which thirteen young firefighters were trapped in a wildfire on a Montana hillside. The firefighter's leader, Wag Dodge, devised a creative solution for avoiding the encroaching fire. He burned a patch of grass and lay down in the middle of the scorched earth. His team refused to join him, and most perished in the fire. Dodge survived. Berwick applies the lessons Get Escape Fire our bestseller medical books.

Escape Fire Free
Throughout the book, Berwick identifies innovations and ideas from a number of surprising sources-a girls' soccer team, a sinking ship, and the safety standards at NASA. Escape Fire takes its title from the 1949 Mann Gulch tragedy in which thirteen young firefighters were trapped in a wildfire on a Montana hillside. The firefighter's leader, Wag Dodge, devised a creative solution for avoiding the encroaching fire. He burned a patch of grass and lay down in the middle of the scorched earth Berwick applies the lessons
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