Author: American College of Phyisicans and the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine
Edition: 5
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1934465542
Category: Medical
Edition: 5
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1934465542
Category: Medical
MKSAP® for Students 5
Like its best-selling predecessor, the fifth edition of this popular series contains over 450 multiple-choice questions, updated references, color photographs and ECG tracings. Download MKSAP® for Students 5 medical books for free.
MKSAP for Students is intended for third-year students participating in their required internal medicine clerkship and for fourth-year students on an advanced medicine clerkship. All questions are formatted as clinical vignettes that resemble the types of questions students encounter on the examination at the end of the clerkship and on the USMLE licensing examination. Each question has a detailed answer critique that identifies the correct answer, an explanation of why that answer is correct and the other options are incorrect, an educational objective and a short Get MKSAP® for Students 5 our bestseller medical books.

MKSAP® for Students 5 Free
MKSAP for Students is intended for third-year students participating in their required internal medicine clerkship and for fourth-year students on an advanced medicine clerkship Each question has a detailed answer critique that identifies the correct answer, an explanation of why that answer is correct and the other options are incorrect, an educational objective and a short
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