Author: George Anders
Binding: Kindle Edition
ISBN: B004R1Q42G
Category: Medical
Binding: Kindle Edition
ISBN: B004R1Q42G
Category: Medical
Health Against Wealth: HMOs and the Breakdown of Medical Trust
The HMO system is often praised for cutting runaway costs. Download Health Against Wealth medical books for free.
It is supposed to act as a powerful market force to stop greedy doctors and hospitals from treating patients like pi-atas, to be cut open for profit. Health Against Wealth reveals that when you are confronting cancer, heart disease, or psychiatric illness, when you face a medical emergency or your child requires complex pediatric surgery, all those cost-saving rules and artful ways of keeping doctors frugal can turn against you. Wall Street Journal reporter George Anders explains why " managed care " is so appealing to employers and insurers and how HMO bureaucrats can thwart necessary, even life-saving treatment under the guise of cost efficiency. Health Against Wealth takes an unfl Get Health Against Wealth our bestseller medical books.

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Health Against Wealth takes an unfl
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