Author: Lynda J. Carpenito
Edition: 14
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Edition: 14
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Nursing Diagnosis (Nursing Diagnosis Application to Clinical Practice)
Now in its 14th edition, this respected resource offers definitive guidance on key elements of nursing diagnosis, its role in the nursing process, and its application to clinical practice. Download Nursing Diagnosis medical books for free.
Section 1 thoroughly explains the role of nursing diagnosis in the nursing process and in care planning. Section 2 offers a comprehensive A-to-Z guide to current nursing diagnoses, including the most recent diagnoses approved by NANDA International for 2012-2014. Section 3 focuses on collaborative problems.
Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC) are listed for every NANDA-I diagnosis. Key features such as Author's Notes and Errors in Diagnostic Statements help the nurse to understand the concept behind Get Nursing Diagnosis our bestseller medical books.

Nursing Diagnosis Free
Section 1 thoroughly explains the role of nursing diagnosis in the nursing process and in care planning. Section 2 offers a comprehensive A-to-Z guide to current nursing diagnoses, including the most recent diagnoses approved by NANDA International for 2012-2014. Section 3 focuses on collaborative problems.
Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC) are listed for every NANDA-I diagnosis ection 1 thoroughly explains the role of nursing diagnosis in the nursing process and in care planning. Section 2 offers a comprehensive A-to-Z guide to current nursing diagnoses, including the most recent diagnoses approved by NANDA International for 2012-2014. Section 3 focuses on collaborative problems.
Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC) are listed for every NANDA-I diagnosis. Key features such as Author's Notes and Errors in Diagnostic Statements help the nurse to understand the concept behind
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