Author: Kathleen Ohman
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0803621876
Category: Medical
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0803621876
Category: Medical
Davis's Q&A for the NCLEX-RN® Examination
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Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-323-3555 Based on the new NCLEX-RN Test Plan! A complete roadmap to NCLEX-RN success! Three distinct sections in the book plus a bonus CD-ROM show you the way. Step 1 is an orientation and review of test-taking strategies with guidance for international and repeat test-takers. Step 2 consists of 60 practice tests over six chapters, all with NCLEX descriptors. Each chapter corresponds to one the exam major subject areas, fundamentals, medical-surgical, ob/newborn, pediatric, mental health, and gerontological nursing. Each chapter also features specialized, stand-alone tests for pharmacology, management of care, and cultural diversity. Step 3 is two comprehensive Get Davis's Q&A for the NCLEX-RN® Examination our bestseller medical books.

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Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-323-3555 Based on the new NCLEX-RN Test Plan! A complete roadmap to NCLEX-RN success! Three distinct sections in the book plus a bonus CD-ROM show you the way. Step 1 is an orientation and review of test-taking strategies with guidance for international and repeat test-takers. Step 2 consists of 60 practice tests over six chapters, all with NCLEX descriptors. Each chapter corresponds to one the exam major subject areas, fundamentals, medical-surgical, ob/newborn, pediatric, mental health, and gerontological nursing Step 3 is two comprehensive
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