Author: Kathleen A. Ohman
Edition: 1
Binding: Kindle Edition
ISBN: B004LB4C58
Category: Medical
Edition: 1
Binding: Kindle Edition
ISBN: B004LB4C58
Category: Medical
Davis's Q&A for the NCLEX-RN Examination
The only review book with the new, 2010 NCLEX-RNAA Test Plan!
BONUS CD-ROM with 3,005 questions (unique to the CD-ROM) that can be selected according to specific content areas, client need categories and subcategories, integrated processes, or phases of the nursing process, or by a 275-question comprehensive exam. Download Davis's Q&A for the NCLEX-RN Examination medical books for free.
5,012 test questions in all 2,038 in the book and 3,005 on the CD.
1,340 alternative item format questions, 571 in the book, plus 769 on the CD-ROM, more than any other NCLEX-RN review product, with each format included in every test.
Audio and graphic format questions online at DavisPlus.
More than 900 pharmacology questions distributed across the major subject areas and in stand-alone tests.

Davis's Q&A for the NCLEX-RN Examination Free
5,012 test questions in all 2,038 in the book and 3,005 on the CD.
1,340 alternative item format questions, 571 in the book, plus 769 on the CD-ROM, more than any other NCLEX-RN review product, with each format included in every test.
Audio and graphic format questions online at DavisPlus.
More than 900 pharmacology questions distributed across the major subject areas and in stand-alone tests br />5,012 test questions in all 2,038 in the book and 3,005 on the CD.
1,340 alternative item format questions, 571 in the book, plus 769 on the CD-ROM, more than any other NCLEX-RN review product, with each format included in every test.
Audio and graphic format questions online at DavisPlus.
More than 900 pharmacology questions distributed across the major subject areas and in stand-alone tests.
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