Author: Brian B. Shulman
Edition: 10th
Binding: Kindle Edition
ISBN: B005T4ZK52
Category: Medical
Edition: 10th
Binding: Kindle Edition
ISBN: B005T4ZK52
Category: Medical
Language Development: Foundations, Processes, and Clinical Applications
Your ideal textbook for undergraduate speech-langauge curriculum courses in language development and language acquisition! This comprehensive resource, written by experts in the field, offers an accessible overview of language development to the undergraduate student. Download Language Development medical books for free.
The book's 15 chapters are divided into two parts: Basis of Language and Communication Development and Language and Communication Development. A key feature of the book are the clinical practice applications, which will help your students prepare for the situations they will face in their careers.
Companion Web site with the following helpful resources:
Instructor Resources: Powerpointa Slides, Discussion Questions, Chapter Quizzes, TestBank, and Assignments Get Language Development our bestseller medical books.

Language Development Free
The book's 15 chapters are divided into two parts: Basis of Language and Communication Development and Language and Communication Development
Companion Web site with the following helpful resources:
Instructor Resources: Powerpointa Slides, Discussion Questions, Chapter Quizzes, TestBank, and Assignments
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