Author: Saundra K. Ciccarelli
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0205256414
Category: Medical
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0205256414
Category: Medical
Psychology: An Exploration (2nd Edition)
The most learner-centered and assessment-driven text available. Download Psychology medical books for free.
/I> A Praised for a very engaging writing style, comprehensive coverage of key research, and strong pedagogical features, Ciccarelli and White focus on getting students to read theirAtextbook. Using the most recent recommended APA undergraduate psychology learning outcomes,Athe authorsAestablish clear learning objectives for students that are tied to these objectives. Student and instructors praise Ciccarelli and White's approach to teaching and learning in today's classroom.AThe thirteen-chapter table of contents covers the essentials that every introductory psychology student should know and fits easily into a one-semester course. A A Get Psychology our bestseller medical books.

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/I> A Praised for a very engaging writing style, comprehensive coverage of key research, and strong pedagogical features, Ciccarelli and White focus on getting students to read theirAtextbook. Using the most recent recommended APA undergraduate psychology learning outcomes,Athe authorsAestablish clear learning objectives for students that are tied to these objectives. Student and instructors praise Ciccarelli and White's approach to teaching and learning in today's classroom.AThe thirteen-chapter table of contents covers the essentials that every introductory psychology student should know and fits easily into a one-semester course I> A Praised for a very engaging writing style, comprehensive coverage of key research, and strong pedagogical features, Ciccarelli and White focus on getting students to read theirAtextbook. Using the most recent recommended APA undergraduate psychology learning outcomes,Athe authorsAestablish clear learning objectives for students that are tied to these objectives. Student and instructors praise Ciccarelli and White's approach to teaching and learning in today's classroom.AThe thirteen-chapter table of contents covers the essentials that every introductory psychology student should know and fits easily into a one-semester course. A A
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