Author: Lorne H. Blackbourne
Edition: 6
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Edition: 6
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Surgical Recall (Recall Series)
Now in its Sixth Edition, Surgical Recall allows for rapid-fire review of surgical clerkship material for third- or fourth-year medical students preparing for the USMLE and shelf exams. Download Surgical Recall medical books for free.
Written in a concise question-and-answer format-double-column, question on the left, answer on the right-Surgical Recall addresses both general surgery and surgical subspecialties. Students on rotation or being PIMPed can quickly refer to Surgical Recall for accurate and on-the-spot answers. The book includes survival tactics and tips for success on the boards and wards as well as key information for those new to the surgical suite.
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This is the tablet version of Surgical Recall which does not include access to the supplemental content mentioned
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