Author: Patricia Stevens
Edition: 5
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Edition: 5
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Substance Abuse Counseling: Theory and Practice (5th Edition) (Merrill Counseling)
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Download Substance Abuse Counseling medical books for free.
n this widely popular guide, future and practicing clinicians and counselors get a sound base of knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) and practical help for working with clients who are misusing or abusing these drugs. Now updated to cover the changing substance abuse problems in our nation and around the world, Substance Abuse Counseling, 5e by Stevens and Smith includes informative case studies and includes individual chapters on special populations and the health disparities related to substance abuse among minorities. A Get Substance Abuse Counseling our bestseller medical books.

Substance Abuse Counseling Free
n this widely popular guide, future and practicing clinicians and counselors get a sound base of knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) and practical help for working with clients who are misusing or abusing these drugs A
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