Author: Gerlach
Edition: 5
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Edition: 5
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Assisting in Long-Term Care
This comprehensive, user-friendly book provides the theoretical knowledge and skills content you need to successfully complete a nursing assistant certification exam. Download Assisting in Long-Term Care medical books for free.
The book meets OBRA guidelines and prepares you to work in a variety of long-term care settings or sub-acute units in the hospital. A major goal of this resource is to help you develop an understanding of the principles of safe and effective care of residents in long-term care. Special emphasis is placed on residents' rights, nutrition and hydration, restorative care, resident mobility, and maintaining a safe environment.From Doody's Book Review"This book, written to meet the needs of persons who wish to become CNAs and work in long term care (LTC), provides core concepts and Get Assisting in Long-Term Care our bestseller medical books.

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From Doody's Book Review"This book, written to meet the needs of persons who wish to become CNAs and work in long term care (LTC), provides core concepts and
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