Author: James N. Butcher
Edition: 15
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Edition: 15
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Abnormal Psychology (15th Edition)
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B>The most authoritative and comprehensive text in Abnormal Psychology A The esteemed author team of Jim Butcher, Sue Mineka, and Jill Hooley offers students the most thoroughly researched, engaging,Aand up-to-date explanation of psychopathology, creating a learning experience thatAprovokes thought and increases awareness. ByAadopting a comprensive bio-psycho-social perspective, this text takes students to levels of understanding that other books do not offer. A Hundreds of new references have been added to reflect the ever-changing field of abnormal psychology. This 15th Get Abnormal Psychology our bestseller medical books.

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