Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0199751870
Category: Medical
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0199751870
Category: Medical
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: Translating Science to Practice
Fifteen to twenty years is how long it takes for the billions of dollars of university-based research to translate into evidence-based policies and programs suitable for public use. Download Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health medical books for free.
Over the past decade, an exciting science has emerged that seeks to narrow the gap between the discovery of new knowledge and its application in public health, mental health, and health care settings. Dissemination and implementation (D&I) research seeks to understand how to best apply scientific advances in the real world, by focusing on pushing the evidence-based knowledge base out into routine use.
To help propel this crucial field forward, leading D&I scholars and researchers have collaborated to put together this volume to address a number of key issues, Get Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health our bestseller medical books.

Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health Free
Over the past decade, an exciting science has emerged that seeks to narrow the gap between the discovery of new knowledge and its application in public health, mental health, and health care settings
To help propel this crucial field forward, leading D&I scholars and researchers have collaborated to put together this volume to address a number of key issues,
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