Author: Thomas A. LaVeist
Edition: 2
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Edition: 2
Binding: Kindle Edition
Category: Medical
Race, Ethnicity, and Health: A Public Health Reader (Public Health/Vulnerable Populations)
Race, Ethnicity and Health, Second Edition, is a new and critical selection of hallmark articles that address health disparities in America. Download Race, Ethnicity, and Health medical books for free.
It effectively documents the need for equal treatment and equal health status for minorities. Intended as a resource for faculty and students in public health as well as the social sciences, it will be also be valuable to public health administrators and frontline staff who serve diverse racial and ethnic populations.AThe book bringsAtogether the best peer reviewed research literature from the leading scholars and faculty in this growing field, providing a historical and political context for the study of health, race, and ethnicity, with key findings on disparities in access, use, and quality. Get Race, Ethnicity, and Health our bestseller medical books.

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